Crimes and Criminals and the Writers Who Love Them

Crimes and Criminals and the Writers Who Love Them

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Our June Meeting: Suspense Writer's Guide to Structure

Please join us on Saturday, June 22th from 11:00 to 1:00 at the Hilton Head Branch of the Beaufort County Library for our June meeting, The Suspense Writer's Guide to Structure.

This is a workshop specifically geared for writers of crime fiction using screenwriter Dan Harmon's Circle method. Based on Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, this method isn't linear, but is instead cyclical, and unites plot and character in an easy-to-use framework that is useful not only for planning, but for checking the structural integrity of a finished work. It's also an excellent framework for laying clues and red herrings.

Non-members are welcome (and encouraged!); writers of any type of fiction (not just mysteries) will find this information helpful.

For more information, please visit our Facebook event page.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Our May Meeting: MURDER!

Please join us for our May meeting, Saturday, May 11th from 11:00 AM -- 2:00 PM at The Chromatic Dragon Gaming Pub in downtown Savannah.

We're celebrating all things mysterious and crime solve-y with a get-together at The Chromatic Dragon in downtown Savannah, the Lowcountry's best gaming pub. We'll be bringing POST-MORTEM LOS ANGELES: LIGHTS, CAMERA, MURDER!, the Mysterious Package Company's noir mystery-in-a-box—you bring your sleuthing skills as we solve the case of the slaughtered starlet. This is a group activity-—we provide the game, you buy whatever food and drink you'd like (The Chromatic Dragon is a full service restaurant and bar, so you'll certainly find something you'll like). 

To RSVP, either reply to your email or visit our Facebook event page:

For more info about the game we'll be playing, visit:

And for more info about the Chromatic Dragon (including menu and location), visit:

Hope to see you there!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Our April Meeting!

Please join us on Saturday, April 13th from 11:00 to 1:00 at the Hilton Head Branch of the Beaufort Library for our April meeting, a workshop on planning your novel (no outlining required!). 

Donna Kortes will share several different organizing/structuring/planning methods for getting your novel in order. Non-members are welcome (and encouraged!); writers of any type of fiction (not just mysteries) will find this information helpful.

Afterwards, we're going out to lunch for those interested in continuing the conversation and the camaraderie.

For more information, please visit our Facebook event page

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Our January Meeting: Author Branding

Please join us Saturday, January 12th at 12:00 noon for Low Country Sisters in Crime's first meeting of 2019!

We'll be meeting in the community room of member Lance Adams' complex. The address is 121 Tillman Rd. Statesboro, GA 30458. (check your email for the gate code -- message Tina Whittle if you didn't receive it).

Once inside the gates the road splits into three. Take the left branch and follow it to the back of the complex. The Clubhouse is on the right. There is parking in front. Come upstairs and turn left.

Our topic will be Branding for Mystery Authors. We'll be discussing what exactly branding is, why it's important, and how you can go about doing it (even if you haven't finished, or even started, your book).

Lance is hosting us for lunch (Mexican food for both carnivores and cheese-eating vegetarians) so feel free to bring beverages and/or desserts as you would like (though you are required to bring nothing)

For more information, check out our Facebook event.

BONUS: SinC National is offering a FREE one-hour video webinar on this topic the Tuesday after our meeting . You can get some of the legwork for the webinar done ahead of time at our meeting, or use it to further deepen your knowledge. Here's the link to register: